Dentures have been an integral part of dental services since forever. When someone would lose multiple teeth, the first recommendation given by family and friends has been DENTURES. Dentures have evolved into various types and forms since then.
If you are looking to get your missing teeth replaced by Dentures in Sainikpuri then visit us at Clean and Correct Dentistry, Dental Clinic in Sainikpuri.
What is a denture?
It is replacement of natural teeth and surrounding tissues. It is custom made appliance to restore the lost functions in oral cavity.
What are the different types of dentures?
They can be partial or full denture. When a person has lost one or few natural teeth, they are given the option of Removable Partial Denture. But when complete set of teeth is missing; those patients are given Complete Denture.
I have had a denture before but I am allergic to the material, what can be done?
There have been advancements in regard to materials that we use for dentures nowadays. Acrylic free dentures can be made if you are allergic to acrylic material. We curate the best denture treatment for you as per your need and our expertise.
I don’t want to wear the removable ones!! Tell me my options?
Great! We provide you with the variety of options. The best treatment is Implant Supported Denture where Implants are placed followed by dentures which are fixed to them securely. They are secured, cleaned and maintained just like your natural teeth.
How much time it will take to get my denture?
Depending on your case the number of appointments will be 3-5. We will also help you in taking at home care with them so that they last for a lifetime.
If you are facing above mentioned problems then book an appointment with us today. We make sure that you have the most comfortable dental experience. Our team is highly skilled and we are equipped with latest instrumentation to deliver you the best experience.